Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Osu Stool Denies “Offering Remarks” On Achimota Forest Issues

The Osu Stool has denied making comments on the ongoing issues surrounding the Achimota Forest.

The stool asked the general public to disregard comments that have been made purportedly coming from them.

A statement they issued said “The attention of the Osu Stool has been drawn to statements purportedly made in its name on matters in respect of the Achimota Forest and wish to state categorically that the Osu Stool has not made any public statement on the matter.

“We wish to advise the media and all concerned agencies and institutions to be wary of publishing commentary from, or having discussions with persons claiming to be representing the Osu Stool but who have no such mandate.

“We have particularly noted statements made by Nii Nortey Asumuah IV, the indefinitely suspended Osu Kinkawe Oshiahene and Nii Oti Abankrah, alleged spokesperson of the Osu stool.

“We wish to state that these comments were not authroiused by the Osu Stool and the two individuals have no mandate to speak for either the Osu Stool or Osu Traditional Council.”

President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo signed an EI to declassify portions of the Achimoat Forest reserve.

This means that those portions are no longer going to be part of the forest reserve.

“The District Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority with jurisdiction over the land specified in the schedule, shall, within three months after the coming into force of this instrument, prepare for the approval of the Minister [of Lands], a master plan for the development of the land specified in the schedule,” the document said.

The development created controversy on social media with some indicating the forest reserve has been sold.

Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel Abu Jinapor dismissed reports that the Forest reserve in Accra has been sold.

He said the natural resource was not for sale and would not be sold.

Read the full statement below: 

Credit: MyGhana Media

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Sunday, May 1, 2022



Nii Mei, Naa Mei, Wulomei, Woyee, Asafoatsemei, Elders of the Ga State, members of the security services, members of the Press, invited guest, ladies and gentlemen mii ha nye manye.

The good Lord has blessed us with yet another year and the Ga State will commence activities preceding the celebration of the annual Ga Homowo festival.

We have invited you here this morning to brief you on the activities preceding and culminating into the 2022 Ga Homowo festival.

The Ga Traditional Council announces to the public that the 2022 Ga Homowo festival will commence with the “SHIBAA” (cleansing the scared farm) on the 2nd day of May, 2022.

This will be followed by the “NMAA DUMO” (ban on drumming and noise making) on the 9th day of May to the 9th day of June, 2022.
During this period the Ga State will fast and pray for rainfall, a bounty harvest and good tidings. The Ga State would also pray for the Country and its citizens to continue to keep the peace, the love, tranquity and good spirit.

The Ga Traditional Council urges the general public to take notice and observe the rules regarding the ban on drumming and noise making to help maintain the peace, harmony and security within Ga State. These shall include;

*All worship centers should confine their activities within their church premises.

*Noise making including clapping of hands, the use of tambourine and other musical instruments should be avoided during this period.

*The positioning of loud speakers outside the church premises and mosques is banned during this period.

*Road side evangelism and the use of megaphones and other loud speakers should also be totally avoided during this period.

*Funeral rites and its related activities are also banned during this period.

*The 9th day of June, 2022 will be the “ODADAA” (lifting of the ban on drumming and noise making). This will be held at the forecourt of the Gbese Mantse’s0 Palace (Gbese Blohum)

A task force working with the various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies has been set up to collaborate with the Ghana Police Service and the other Security Agencies to monitor, ensure compliance with the ban and prosecute recalcitrant persons who fail in that regard. 

The Ga Traditional Council shall further count on the co-operation of the various Stakeholders in ensuring strict observation and compliance with the Ga custom, practices and usage. 

The Ga Traditional Council by this notice entreats all persons within the Ga State to comply with the month-long ban on drumming and noise making and refrain from making derogatory remarks about the rites, custom, practices, usage and beliefs of the Ga people.

Thank you.
By: iamGanyobi